Allahumma Inni As’alu-ka Dua

The dua “Allahumma Inni As’alu-ka” is a short yet powerful supplication taught by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in authentic hadiths like Sunan Ibn Majah and Sunan Abu Dawud. Recited during the Fajr (morning prayer), it asks Allah for beneficial knowledge, good provision, and acceptable deeds. This dua helps guide us in both this life and the afterlife, urging us to seek wisdom and avoid ignorance.

Reciting this dua regularly unlocks divine blessings and rewards. It reminds us to rely on Allah’s mercy for sustenance and provision, ensuring that our actions align with what is worthy and impactful. The dua encourages dependency on Allah and promotes spiritual growth, bringing wisdom and blessings into our lives.

Allahumma Inni As’aluka Dua in Arabic

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ عِلْمًا نَافِعًا وَرِزْقًا طَيِّبًا وَعَمَلاً مُتَقَبَّلاً

English translation: “O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, goodly provision and acceptable deeds”

Breakdown of Meaning Of This Dua

The dua “Allahumma Inni As’aluka” is a heartfelt request to Allah for three key things: beneficial knowledge, goodly provision, and acceptable deeds. The first part, “Ilman Nafi’an,” refers to asking for beneficial knowledge, which leads to wisdom that can guide us in life. The second part, “Rizqan Tayyiban,” focuses on asking for goodly provision or sustenance that is lawful and blessed. The final part, “Amalan Mutaqabbalan,” asks for acceptable deeds—actions that are pleasing to Allah and bring us closer to success in both this life (dunya) and the afterlife (akhirah).

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By reciting this dua, we ask for well-being (Afiyah) in all aspects of life, from health to wealth and safety, ensuring that we are protected from harmful situations and afflictions. It serves as a powerful reminder to live a life of righteousness, where our deeds are accepted and our provision is good. This dua is often memorized and recited for guidance, success, and spiritual growth.

When To Recite

The dua “Allahumma Inni As’aluka” is powerful when recited in the morning after Fajr and in the evening after Maghrib. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ taught us to seek guidance, well-being, and protection at these times. This dua helps guard against harm, fears, and disgrace throughout the day and night.

It’s also beneficial to recite it whenever we seek forgiveness, blessings, or protection from negative influences. As mentioned in Hadith by Ibn Umar, reciting this dua ensures security for our families and property, offering spiritual protection in both worldly and religious affairs.

Hadith About Allahumma Inni As’aluka Dua

An authentic Hadith confirms that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ would recite the dua “اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ عِلْمًا نَافِعًا وَرِزْقًا طَيِّبًا وَعَمَلاً مُتَقَبَّلاً” after the Fajr prayer. Hazrat Umm Salamah narrates in Sunan Ibn Majah 925 that this dua was part of the morning prayer, seeking beneficial knowledge, good provision, and acceptable deeds. This dua is a beautiful supplication for a successful and righteous life, seeking guidance from Allah SWT.

Importance of Allah Humma Inni As’aluka Dua

Allahumma Inni As’aluka Dua is a crucial supplication that holds great importance in Islam. As narrated by Umm Salamah, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ would recite this dua during the Fajr prayer, asking Allah SWT for beneficial knowledge, good provision, and acceptable deeds. This powerful dua helps kick start the day with a focus on learning, working in halal ways, and performing good deeds.

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It encourages us to seek guidance from Allah in all aspects of life, ensuring that we remain on the right path to Jannah and avoid the hellfire. Reciting this dua not only sets the tone for a productive day but also reminds us of our responsibility in earning and providing for our families in a righteous manner.

Allahumma Inni As’aluka Dua Benefits

The dua Allahumma Inni As’aluka Ilman Naafi’an is a powerful prayer with immeasurable benefits. It asks Allah for beneficial knowledge that leads to success in this life and the Hereafter, bringing us closer to divine blessings.

Increased Knowledge and Wisdom

Reciting Allahumma Inni As’aluka Dua increases knowledge, especially beneficial knowledge that helps to avoid ignorance. It guides towards wisdom and self-awareness, enriching one’s understanding of the world.

Barakah (Blessings) in Both Worlds

This dua invokes divine blessings, bringing barakah into both the world (Dunya) and the hereafter (Akhirah). It ensures that one’s actions are aligned with Allah’s will, offering prosperity in both lives.

Purification of Intentions and Actions

By reciting this supplication, intentions behind actions become pure, making one’s deeds worthy and acceptable to Allah. This leads to the fulfillment of righteous actions.

Divine Provision (Rizq) and Sustenance

The dua brings Rizq (provision), helping individuals earn through halal means, providing sustenance, and ensuring that income is sufficient for one’s needs.

Guidance and Prosperity

The dua requests guidance from Allah to ensure one follows the righteous path, which ultimately leads to prosperity in both Dunya and Akhirah.

Righteous Deeds and Rewards

Reciting this dua directs efforts toward righteous actions, ensuring that good deeds are accepted and rewarded by Allah, earning immense rewards in the afterlife.


How many times should a person read this Dua?

There’s no fixed number for reciting Allahumma Inni As’aluka Ilman Naafi’an. It can be recited anytime—whether walking, sitting, or working. It’s recommended to say it as much as possible and share it with family, friends, and acquaintances for their benefit in both the world and the Hereafter.

Can this Dua help gain Halal income?

Yes, Allahumma Inni As’aluka Ilman Naafi’an helps in gaining Halal income by asking Allah SWT for Rizqan Tayyiban or abundant provision. Regular recitation can guide you towards Halal sources of earnings.

What is the dua for ilman nafian?

The Dua for Ilman Nafaian is a powerful supplication where the believer seeks divine guidance and blessings for a righteous life. The dua, Allahumma Inni As’aluka Ilman Naafi’an, asks Allah for beneficial knowledge, Rizqan Tayyiban, and Amalan Mutaqabbalan, encapsulating the essence of a fulfilled life.

Hafiz Bilal

Hafiz Bilal is a Hafiz-e-Quran with a deep understanding of Quranic Surahs. He shares insights and knowledge about Surahs to help Muslims reflect on their meanings and apply their teachings in daily life.

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