Roza Kholne Ki Dua in Arabic

Roza Kholne Ki Dua holds immense significance, especially for Muslims during Ramadan. It is a powerful reminder to recite with good intentions, focusing on gratitude for Allah’s sustenance. Reciting this dua after a day of fasting brings one closer to Allah SWT, securing blessings. It’s a spiritual connection, affirming the promise made to Allah and keeping the fast for His sake. While it’s not necessary to recite Roza Kholne Ki Dua when breaking the fast, it is Sunnah, and those who recite it are rewarded with extra blessings.

By reciting it, Muslims acknowledge their devotion and obedience to Allah, enhancing their spiritual connection. This dua serves as a reminder to be thankful for the food and drink that nourish the body after a full day of abstinence from food, drink, and other physical needs. Whether one reads it in Arabic or uses the English translation, its meaning remains profound, offering a chance to reflect on the blessings and mercies from Allah.

Roza Kholne Ki Dua in Arabic

Breakdown of the Meaning of This Dua

Roza Kholne Ki Dua is a beautiful supplication that signifies faith, trust, and gratitude. When reciting this dua, a person acknowledges that they have fasted for the sake of Allah, placing trust in Him alone. The words “Allahumma, inni, laka, sumtu” translate to “Oh Allah, I fasted for You,” showing a devotion to Allah. By saying “wa bika aamantu,” the fasting person affirms their belief in Allah. The phrase “wa ‘alayka tawakkaltu” expresses trust in Allah, while “wa Ala rizqika aftartu” means “I break my fast with Your sustenance.”

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Reciting this dua not only strengthens the connection with Allah but also reflects on the moment of breaking the fast, when one is most vulnerable and in need of Allah’s mercy. It’s a reminder to focus on the spiritual aspect and not to let hunger or the sight of food distract from the moment of praise and prayer.

Sadqah at the time of Iftar

Sadaqah is an important deed for Muslims, especially during Ramadan, as it helps in the purification of the soul by removing toxins. There are many forms of sadaqah, such as giving money to a needy person, offering advice, or even helping someone in difficulty.

It can also include taking care of an animal or any other act of kindness. At the time of Iftar, sharing a meal with someone in need is a particularly valuable form of sadaqah, as it brings the highest reward from Allah. Through such acts, Allah will surely provide blessings and rewards for the one who gives.

Mouth smell

The mouth smell of a person who is fasting during Ramadan is considered better than the smell of musk. Allah loves the smell of the mouth of those Muslims who fast for His sake. This shows how every act of fasting, even something as simple as the mouth smell, holds immense value and is appreciated by Allah.

Significance of the Roza Kholne Ki Dua

The Roza Kholne Ki Dua holds great significance in several ways.

Gratitude and Thankfulness

The Roza Kholne Ki Dua expresses gratitude to Allah for the sustenance after a day of fasting. This moment serves as a reminder to be thankful for the food and drink that will nourish the body, acknowledging the blessings Allah has provided.

Expression of Faith and Belief

Reciting the Roza Kholne Ki Dua is an act of faith, affirming Muslims’ belief in Allah. By reciting this, they declare their obedience and submission to Allah, strengthening their trust in Him.

Trust in Allah

The phrase “وَعَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ” (I place my trust in You) reflects the trust Muslims place in Allah for all aspects of life. This reminder gives comfort, especially during fasting, as they acknowledge Allah’s control over all matters.

Connection with Allah

The Roza Kholne Ki Dua builds a personal connection with Allah. It’s an intimate moment to seek His mercy, deepen faith, and nurture the soul, strengthening the bond with the Divine.

Self-Reflection and Spiritual Growth

The dua encourages self-reflection, reminding Muslims of the patience and restraint they practiced during fasting. It fosters spiritual growth, helping individuals focus on becoming better in their faith and actions.

Benefits of Roza Kholne Ki Dua

Strengthens Connection with Allah (SWT)

Reciting the Roza Kholne Ki Dua is a way to express our devotion and connect with Allah (SWT). It reminds us of His blessings and helps build a stronger spiritual bond with Him.

Purification of the Soul

The Dua plays a significant role in purifying the soul. Through fasting and reciting this prayer, we cleanse our hearts, reflect on our intentions, and become spiritually stronger.

Gratitude and Reflection

By reciting the Dua at the time of Iftar, we show gratitude for the sustenance provided to us. It is a reminder of the importance of reflecting on the blessings and mercy of Allah.

Increased Spiritual Awareness

The Roza Kholne Ki Dua helps us develop spiritual awareness. It allows us to reflect on our actions, seek forgiveness for past mistakes, and reinforce our relationship with Allah during the blessed month of Ramadan.

Opportunity for Forgiveness and Mercy

Reciting the Dua provides an opportunity to ask Allah for forgiveness and seek His mercy. During Ramadan, especially on the Night of Decree (Laylat al-Qadr), Allah’s mercy is abundant, and duas made during this time are more likely to be accepted.

Increased Rewards and Blessings

The Dua helps us earn rewards from Allah. Frequent supplications and acts of worship during Ramadan, such as reciting the Dua, help us maximize the spiritual benefits of the month and earn countless rewards for our devotion.

Resilience and Reliance on Allah

Reciting the Dua teaches us to rely on Allah for strength and guidance. It encourages us to seek His help during times of difficulty and remain resilient through the challenges we face, knowing that Allah will always provide.

Maximizes Virtues of Fasting

Reciting the Roza Kholne Ki Dua ensures that we are maximizing the virtues of fasting. This prayer helps us stay focused, increase our good deeds, and strengthen our faith during the holy month of Ramadan.


Reciting the Roza Kholne Ki Dua in Arabic at iftar brings gratitude and blessings, strengthening the connection with Allah. This Dua enhances spiritual growth, self-improvement, and devotion during Ramadan. It is a reminder of reliance on Allah’s divine provision and deepens faith and commitment. Through this supplication, Muslims seek rewards, guidance, and spiritual reawakening.

Muhammad Khan

Muhammad Khan, is a Hafiz-e-Quran and an expert in Islamic Duas. With years of Dedication to ilm-e-deen, he shares authentic and heartfelt Duas to help Muslims strengthen their connection with Allah and find peace in His remembrance.

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